Thursday, 13 September 2007

Cadburys Advert

A gorilla playing the drums to Phil Colins is the new advert for Cadburys chocolate. The advert starts by showing the copy 'a glass and a half-full production presents' stating immediately the brand being advertised. We then zoom close-up to the gorillas face with the trademark purple in the background. The first time I saw this advert, I initially thought we were watching a real gorilla, until I saw it start drumming along to the music.

Some might argue it is dangerous for Cadbury to not actually show their product in the commercial, however, I disagree. I find this advert uniquely refreshing in comparison to the usual chocolate adverts, where more often than not, we see beautiful women seductively licking their fingers.

Although a gorilla has little to do with chocolate, I think the idea trying to be conveyed is the feeling one gets when eating Cadburys. Chocolate is about pleasure and this gorilla certainly shows his feeling of euphoria while playing the drums.

Why the music has to be Phil Colins however, is a different matter.

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