Friday, 7 September 2007

RSPCA, Advert/commercial

These are the three adverts from the latest RSPCA campaign. The adverts are informing people that animals are soon going to have five basic rights, like humans, the overall message being that ‘animals are more like humans than you think.’

RSPCA claim, “These ads take a humorous approach to a serious subject, and use graphics which are quite ground-breaking for the RSPCA in that they 'humanise' animals. But we think they are memorable and a conversation-starter which hopefully will get our message across.”

I think that this is quite a good way for the RSPCA to raise awareness, and like they say, the effects are quite advanced for them. However, I do think these adverts, as amusing as they are, could have been executed more appropriately. The overall concept is quite effective by putting animals in a humans shoes, but the way it has been done in perhaps too obvious and the graphics not that impressive.


Matthew said...

Thanks for sharing these, I like this concept. I think the tone of voice is just right, there's not too much humour which would detract from the serious message they're trying to get across

Nada said...

The RSPCA message was like a black comedy concept. But the use of graphics is very bad, that they could do better with it which they can attract people to watch the advert rather than flicking through the tv guide.